Drawer - five

"The post-war Conway Stewart 58 series

he recently reborn Conway Stewart Company has produced a set of limited edition 58 pens. I think they chose wisely to re-run this model in a new series of colour patterns, and this has certainly revived the interest of some new owners in the earlier 58 series which are still widely available and much cheaper than their modern counterparts.

My collection of 58's

o do justice to this model I have crammed all my 58 collection in one drawer. Several look like doubles but the earlier models were imprinted with "The" Conway Stewart while later models had only Conway Stewart on the barrel. Some are with CS 58 nibs and others with CS 58 Duro nibs. Pride of place goes to the Silver herringbone in the upper left corner. I also have a bandless grey-hatch bought at a car-boot sale.