Drawer - two

"Duro Pens from the 1920's and 1930's continued

his drawer concentrates on the series 30, 40 and 50, all dating from the thirties. Note the No. 30 pen in lapis blue with the reversed cracked ice cap. The cap is wrong but does fit on the barrel, so until I find a lapis cap (which will be never) I shall keep it on. Conway Stewart lapis pens are rarissimo, so take a butchers at the lapis No.40.

Second drawer showing more Duro pens.

he pens in this drawer, from left to right are: Duro 30's = all the first row and the pen on the left side of the second row. Duro 40's = the next two pens on the second row from left to right. Duro 50's = the three small pens on the right.